Lottery Systems That Really Work


  1. Best Lottery Systems That Work
  2. Lottery Systems That Win
  3. Lottery Systems That Really Work At Home
  4. Is There A System To Win The Lottery
  5. Free Lottery Systems That Work

The #1 best thing you can do to make this page work at its best is to use Firefox. Other modern Web browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge will work, but only Firefox seems to handle. The question you may ask is WHY lottery systems work? I also used a 10 numbers system that guarantees the second prize. The Lottery is a free open source lottery software for Windows. It is a very flexible lottery software that you can easily configure according to your lottery system. This software originally generates two completely random lottery number series with each series consisting of 6 random numbers. However, each random number of the series cannot exceed 99 as 99 is the maximum number that this. The Lotto Guy System The Lotto guy system works with all pick 5-7 games and is the highest rated lottery system to date. The lotto guy is an honest system that does not oversell their product for more than it is; what you see is literally what you get. Many people are skeptical and don't believe in any lottery system. So instead they play random numbers believing that everything is just a pure random game. They have no idea how wrong they are! We decided to prove to you that there is a system which is way more profitable than playing random numbers.

Best Lottery Systems That Work

The Truth About Lottery Software.

Every lotto player harbors the dream of winning a big lottery prize and spending the rest of their lives in luxury. In a bid to achieve this goal, a great many players have been using various techniques to choose their lucky numbers from reading the daily horoscopes to using significant birth dates as inspiration. So, as we now live in the age of technology that savvy tech nerds have have seen a market opportunity to make a few quick bucks at teh expense of lotto companies with their number crunching lottery software.

Scammers too have spotted a business opportunity and ventured to create and publish thousands of junk systems which they claim will help you beat the lottery.

Almost all these “lottery merchants” assure you of the effectiveness of their systems in choosing the right numbers for the next draws. They will promise to increase your chances of winning by using advanced number selection systems.

But in reality is there really such a thing as a lottery system that works?

Can Your Computer Really Beat the Lotto?

A quick google search will give you hundreds of thousands of lottery system programs; all of which claim to be the solution to your lotto blues and which promise unlimited wealth from lotto winnings.

Now, it’s impossible to have so many lottery hacks without ever hearing of winners who have used them. What this tells you is that most of these systems don’t work and their creators are out there to make money falsely. In fact most of them make money from selling their systems rather than from using them!

Some of them are well-meaning, but most of them aren’t. The bottom line is – most lottery system creators are making money selling you junk that will be of zero benefit to you.

In real life, the odds of a player getting the correct combination of numbers are very slim since the house makes sure the odds are always stacked against him/her.

The Odds Are Stacked Against You

Take the probability of winning a Powerball lotto, which is 1 in 195,249,045. In order to win you will need a unique and tested formula to get the exact number that will give you a win and most software programs on the market just won’t do it for you. After all a computer isn’t psychic.

I am not being biased against these systems but basing my argument on real-world examples. Some systems like Lotto black book system, Silver lotto system, Formula 1 lotto system and many others have been around for a long time but have generated no reported winnings over and above those cited by the manufacturer of the system (and those are very old now).

You will be surprised to find out that the creators of some of these systems have never won using them either.

The only reason why more and more people continue to waste their money on these systems is that false misleading advertisements are being used to lure them into buying useless products that simply don’t work.

Many websites will post numerous testimonials touting how their system was used to generate 5 figure wins and grab multiple jackpot prizes yet these testimonials are extremely suspect and very generic in information. If you want me to believe someone won using your system tell me the person’s name and what lotto they beat and when so I can go check out the truth of your claims.

In truth, most lottery systems are sold by marketers who are out to make sales and not by people who used those systems to win the lottery.

You will also come across free lotto software systems claiming to drive huge wins your way.

Not only is it ridiculous to think someone would give away a system that can beat a lottery that pays out millions of dollars in prizes every week (or even every day) but even if those people really did have such a system it is not practical to give it away free to everyone or you would have hundreds or thousands of people winning the same games and thus having to share the prize money among themselves (making the winnings very small indeed).

So, you may be asking:

“Are there really any lottery systems that work?”

The first thing you should realise is that if a lottery system exists that can beat a million dollar game then it sure as sugar will not be free!

Although the best things in life may well be free when it comes to investments and making money, in this world, you get what you pay for. Plain and simple.

Though most of these lotto systems have been reported in scam and rip-off sites, some have managed to cheat their way out of scam exposure by changing their name (a bit like Monsanto). They simple change the name of their product or service without changing their system and begin all over again.

But that doesn’t mean every system is a bust.


The answer to that question lies in how the lottery works from a mathematical viewpoint. You see …

… just as there are people who are not truthful about the lottery systems they sell, the lottery corporations themselves have not been completely truthful about how their games work. Winning the lotto isn’t all about luck!

The Truth About Winning the Lottery

Lottery Systems That Win

In the past, people were misled to treat the lottery as complete luck.
The birth of lottery software programs almost brought hope before it became clear that most of them were phony.

But there is good news.

The lottery, like any other gambling game, is run on a set of probability and mathematical formulae which can be analyzed and taken advantage of.

By wheeling numbers the enormous odds stack against a player can be reduced to a very acceptable level.

You probably do not realize that it is possible to guarantee a win on any main lottery game 100% of the time; by simply buying every possible combination of numbers you can guarantee a jackpot win and multiple medium and small wins.

Unfortunately, buying every possible combination of numbers it would cost millions of dollars in tickets and only be worthwhile if there was a big enough rollover to ensure you made a profit.

However, the simple fact that it is possible to guarantee a lottery win should give hope to aspiring lottery winners.

By using a system that is based on mathematical number wheeling, therefore, a lottery player can use the same technique to reduce the odds against him/her. This approach can dramatically increase a players chance of winning multiple prizes on a lottery that uses numbers drawn randomly i.e just about every major lottery worldwide.

a secret formula created by 7 times jackpot winner, Richard Lustig.

The best of these programs is Lotto Dominator.

What Is the Lotto Dominator Formula?

You now stand the chance of winning more bets from lottery games using this revolutionary system.

The formula is based on mathematical equations developed to crack lotto codes and fill your bank with regular winnings from small investments.

Lotto Dominator is a system that teaches you new secrets and strategies of winning the lottery consistently thus helping you to develop different methods that increase your chances of winning.

It explains to you, in simple terms, how to use a proven mathematical formula to analyze previous tickets so that you can choose winning numbers. When you wheel those choices the odds if winning are become much more stacked in your favor.

You only have to understand the concept of how you can use variations to calculate winning numbers from the latest 5 draws. The formula uses simple steps to expose a lotto player to long term benefits of hitting small or large jackpots.


I’m amazed at a website I found from a guy who calls himself “Steve Player.” The purpose of the site is to sell “winning lottery systems.” I’ve been reading the sales copy on the site, and I thought it might be entertaining to look at some of the claims there and the truth behind those claims.

I hope that you’ve been reading my blog posts for a long time and already realize that the lottery isn’t just a losing proposition. It’s one of the worst bets you can make, mathematically. The payback percentage is dreadfully low.

I’m going to spend a little time in this post explaining how the lottery works just in case you don’t already know. Then I’ll take a closer look at some of “Steve Player’s” claims.

How the Lottery Works

A lottery is any kind of gambling game where you choose numbers and compare them with some randomly drawn numbers to see if the numbers match. If enough of them match, you win money. It’s one of the oldest types of gambling in existence. The name itself comes from the expression “drawing lots,” which was also a form of fortune telling.

Modern lotteries are usually governmental streams of revenue. They generally hire out the administration of the lottery to some kind of outside agency, but they heavily regulate the games and keep most of the money from lottery sales.

The main type of regulating getting done has to do with selling licenses to vendors who want to sell lottery tickets. The other regulating has to do with the age requirements for buying lottery tickets.

While lotteries have been popular off and on for centuries, they’ve only recently begun to make a comeback in the United States over the last 50 years or so. Almost all of the 50 states have some kind of state-run lottery.

Governments love this because they can raise money without raising taxes. This has the unfortunate effect of making the poor even poorer because they’re the ones most likely to play the games. They’re also the socioeconomic class most likely to not understand the math behind the games.

Usually, the prize amounts correspond to a percentage of the revenue brought in from the number of lottery tickets sold.

The payback percentage for most lottery games hovers around 50%.

Most modern lottery games involve selecting an arbitrary number or numbers from within a certain range. Then when the random drawing is held, the lottery player compares the numbers she selected with the winning numbers. If they match, she wins money.

The bigger games have you choosing between five and seven numbers ranging from 1 to 60 or 1 to 70.

The smaller games might have you choose as few as three numbers from 0 to 9.

Of course, the bigger the game is, the bigger the prize pool becomes, but the probability of winning gets smaller. The smaller games have smaller prizes but better odds of winning.

Another possible lottery game is the scratch-off ticket, which doesn’t involve choosing numbers at all. You just buy them. Some of them are winners; some of them are not. With scratch-off games, you find out whether you’ve won instantly. With other lottery games, you must wait for the drawing.

Lottery Systems That Really Work At Home

The payback percentages for scratch-off tickets can be higher than the payback percentages for other lottery games, but it depends on a couple of factors.

The first is the denomination of the scratch-off ticket. In that respect, scratch-off tickets are like slot machine games. The higher the denomination, the better the payback percentage.

I remember when scratch-off tickets first rolled out in Texas. They were only available for $1 per ticket.

Now you can buy $5 tickets, $10 tickets, and even $25 tickets.

The other factor is whether they’re using some kind of intellectual property license. Any time a game is using the intellectual property of some other company, the payback percentage will be lower. That’s because the originator of the license gets some money, too.

Lottery systems that really work against

But even though the payback percentage for these scratch-off tickets is higher than the payoffs for the other lottery games, it’s still dreadfully low compared to almost any casino game. We’re talking about maxing out at a payback percentage of 65%, which means the lottery has a house edge of 35%.

Contrast that with almost any table game in the casino. Even roulette has a payback percentage of over 94%. Blackjack has a payback percentage of 99% or higher, and so do good video poker games.

If you can get to a casino, almost any game there (with the possible exception of keno and some slot machine games) offers better odds than the lottery.

Steve Player’s Lottery Claims

Now I want to start looking at some of the claims you’ll find on Steve Player’s website. (I do like his nom de plume, though — credit where credit is due.)

The first thing I notice on his website is a testimonial.

At least that’s how it’s labeled.

It’s not really a testimonial, though. Here’s how it reads:

John Orton from Virginia used the WYNNWHEEL system to pick the winning numbers for the Virginia Lotto game on August 22nd for a Jackpot prize of $100,000.00. But once wasn’t enough so Mr. Orton kept playing and won again on September 23rd – another Jackpot and another $100,000.00. He now awaits his third Jackpot hit! We wish him the best!!!

A testimonial is a comment from a customer who is happy with your product. It’s not a statement about that customer from the salesperson, which is what the above is.

You might think that’s nitpicky, but we’re talking about someone who’s selling products for hundreds of dollars which are supposed to help you win the lottery. I would think attention to detail is the least you could expect from someone in that situation.

One of the things you should also look at with caution is the excessive use of exclamation points. This applies to any website that’s trying to sell you something.

First, it’s incorrect grammar. The only correct use of an exclamation point is when someone has made an exclamation.

After the hammer hit her thumb, she cried, “Ow!”

People who are selling snake oil seem to like exclamation points more than most. When I’m buying something, I want to read something more informative.

Also, I searched for “john orton Virginia lottery” and got plenty of results, but none of them were about a person named “John Orton” who’d won $100k twice in the Virginia lottery.

I can promise you — if someone wins the lottery for six figures twice in a row, it’s newsworthy, and you’ll find it in a search at either major search engine quickly.

The second thing I notice on the front page of his site is the claim that he’s won $50,000 in a single day in the pick 3 game. When you click on “see more” under that claim, you’re taken to a blog post about his win. That post is dated back to 2017, by the way. Is it possible that Steve Player’s system stopped working after that?

Once you get to that blog post, though, you don’t get any real information — just claims about winnings and a sales pitch.

Everything on this page is written in all caps and uses multiple colors. It’s hard to read. It also contains little real information beyond copies of winning lottery tickets and scans of checks with Steve Player’s winnings. These checks are actually made out to “Steve Player,” too.

How likely is it that this is his real, legal name?

I suppose it’s possible, but…

When I search for “Steve Player New Hampshire” in a major search engine, I only find results from his website and from other lottery websites that are advertising his systems. I don’t see anything in the results to indicate that he’s a real person. (Normally, you’d find something on one of the “white pages” type sites if you searched for a real person’s name.)

I don’t want to make an accusation, but I do want to point out that programs like Photoshop make it easy to modify pictures of things like checks and lottery tickets.

Finally, sure — it’s possible that Steve Player won money playing the pick 3 game. Anyone can win money playing the pick 3 game. You could, in fact, guarantee it — just by buying every possible number.

But even though you’d have a guaranteed win, you’d spend more on lottery tickets than you’ve won. Someone with a real working lottery system would point out his return on investment rather than just his winnings.

It doesn’t matter if you won $50,000 on pick 3 tickets if you bought $100,000 worth of tickets. (For the record, I don’t think that’s what he’s done. I doubt enough people buy his lottery systems for him to be able to afford such a thing. Then again, I might be surprised. After all, we did somehow manage to elect Donald Trump.)

Steve Player’s Story

The first item in the actual menu for the site is called “Our Story.” I clicked on that to see what other information is on the site.

I was greeted by a picture of an older gentleman with a mustache and a strange smirk on his face. I guess if I made my living selling lottery systems, I might not be able to wipe the smirk off my face, either.

The first paragraph talks about how Steve continues to conquer the state lotteries with his “brilliant, award-winning books and playing techniques.”

I wonder what awards his books have won?

I find no mention of any specific awards on the page.

The page continues with a list of the lottery wins he’s booked. He claims to have predicted the winning numbers for 90+ jackpots since 1981. He also says that he’s won the lottery in 21 different states.

Do you think that’s newsworthy?

I know I do.

But remember… when I searched for Steve Player in Google, I found nothing but mentions of him from his own site.

Then he claims that he was a “prodigal mathematician and a gifted computer programmer.” I have my doubts. There’s no Wikipedia article about him, so he hasn’t made himself notable enough to be included there. And if you know much about Wikipedia, you know that the bar for inclusion is low.

He goes on to claim that he put together statistics and charts that helped him predict winning numbers. Since these numbers are determined randomly, this is patently impossible, unless you believe that the numbers aren’t random.

In fact, if you’ve taken even a simple college course that covers probability, you’ll understand that this just isn’t possible at all.

The thing about random events is that you can’t predict them. That’s what “random” means. And lottery drawings are, most assuredly, random.

You’ll also notice that he never shows any of his charts or analysis on his website.

Some of this is just common sense, too. Player claims that he published two newsletters, both of which predicted winning lottery numbers accurately. If these newsletters worked, how quickly do you think word would spread?

Is There A System To Win The Lottery

And how likely is it that the lottery wouldn’t take some kind of countermeasure?

In the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s, when card counting first became popular as a legitimate advantage gambling technique, the casinos did everything they could to thwart card counters. They changed the conditions of the game. They banned players from the game and even from their casinos altogether.

Have you heard of anything similar happening in the lottery industry in the last 30 years?

Here’s another way you can contrast the claims of this lottery system with the claims of the card counting authors. The blackjack books actually explained how they came to the conclusions they had. You’ll find no explanations on Player’s website.

One of the things that makes a lie compelling is the amount of detail with the story. My favorite part of this page is the section explaining how Steve Player has moved to a remote log cabin where he spends ALL of his time hidden away developing lottery systems. Apparently, he has seven cats, too (that might be the only thing on this page I believe).

There follows a list of claims about wins that he’s had playing various lottery games. One wonders how he buys lottery tickets from such a remote location.

He also claims to have donated a sum of money to his favorite charity, Children International.

Here’s a sentence that just made me cringe when I read it:

“With Million [sic] of dollars in Lottery winnings under his belt, the proverbial proof is most certainly in the pudding!”

I don’t even have words.

Free Lottery Systems That Work

Finally, the entire page is written in the third person, as if someone else had written it about Steve Player.

But then the page is signed, “Good luck, Steve Player.”


The Truth About the Lottery and Lottery Systems

Please don’t buy lottery systems. It would be better if you didn’t use free systems, either.

If you’re using some kind of system, you’re buying into the validity of that system. Once you’ve done that, you’ll start gambling money you’d be better off not putting into action on one of the worst gambling games you could choose. The odds are just terrible.

I have a friend who’s a conspiracy theorist. He’s absolutely convinced that it’s impossible to win the lottery — that it’s all a hoax.

He’s wrong, of course. They don’t need to concoct an elaborate hoax because the math behind this entirely random game and its payouts guarantees the people running the lottery a profit.

Almost all these lottery systems rely on the gambler’s fallacy or some other logical fallacy to create their system for winning. Some of these systems involve “wheeling” numbers, which just means getting multiple combinations that include a set of numbers.

None of these systems do anything to change the odds in your favor.

The only way to increase your probability of winning the lottery is to buy more tickets.

In fact, you can always guarantee that you’ll win the lottery by buying every combination of numbers available.

The problem is that you’ll always win less money than you spent buying those tickets.

As Tom Hanks put it in his now-famous Black Jeopardy skit on Saturday Night Live:

That’s how they get you.


No, lottery systems can’t help you win a life-changing sum of money. In fact, playing the lottery is one of the dumbest things you can do with your money.

But if you’re looking for some cheap entertainment, read some of the sales copies on some of these terrible lottery system websites. My favorite so far is Steve Player’s.


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