Where To Make Sports Bets

If you want to make money sports betting, you must start with a betting bank that can take some hits. Many people fall into the trap and bet too big. If you do your homework and instead place around 2,500 bets a year with a lower return, let’s say 4%, you would quickly calculate a net profit of 40’000. So while Washington did pass a bill to make sports betting legal, there are still some hurdles in the way. Persson and other non-tribal gaming establishments in Washington will continue to try and get sports betting expanded in the state, which could lead to even more issues down the road. Michigan, Tennessee, and Virginia have all legalized online sports betting and will launch once regulations are finalized and licenses are granted. Among those states, Tennessee is unique in that it will allow online-only sportsbooks exclusively because there are no land-based casinos in the state.

How to make money with sports betting?

The first step is to copy bets from professional tipsters; this usually means less risk and more significant return. The second step is to understand the concept of value; this means you have to be critical. Reading tips: We just made a guide on how to make money as a betting affiliate.

Strategies for making money on sports

Do you want your betting bank to grow without increasing your risk and budget? Then make sure you follow these tips regarding make money sports betting.
Betting websites with authority and a good strategy will help you reach your goal. This is the only money making guide for betting you will need.

If you want to make a whole-hearted attempt to make money sports betting, you should consider that you will need a proper and well-thought-out strategy for how to play and go about it.

Making money sports betting is difficult, but it’s not impossible

Many of these people who manage to use their own “winning strategy” are rarely able to make money sports betting, and there are very few people out there that can lead to gamble and keep it as a full-time job.


When creating your sports betting strategy, it is essential to do the math first. How much to bet every month? How large are the units? To be able to make money out of sports betting, you need to think of it as an investment.

Furthermore, you always have to review every bet you do. I know, it’s annoying to write down losses, but it is a must if you want to keep track of whether you make a profit or loss – during your betting.

If you want to make money sports betting

After all, you are still a human being.

But if you get a winning strategy and stick to it – it is possible to make money sports betting. This our guide on how you can make that happen.

There are lots of different ways to copy bets from professional tipsters. Either you can pay for these tips – or not. Many people do not want to spend money on “betting tips” since there is a risk. Of course.

But there are good free alternatives. For example, you should check our Tipstrr review and Betting Gods review

Both of these platforms send “inform” tips to your inbox.

The downside is that you get the tips a few hours after they are published, which means you may not get the same odds as they report.

It’s a great way to “feel” what it’s like to copy bets from professional tipsters. Also, both Tipstrr and Betting gods offer a variety of tipsters. Both free and paid services.

Therefore, we rank this as the absolute best way to make money from sports betting.

2. Understand the concept of value

You have to be critical.

If you are not, then sports betting is not for you. Sure, you can be sure that a favourite of odds 1.25 will win, but is there any value in the game itself?

Lots of times, we’ve heard punters say, “There’s no risk of losing this game.” – Absolutely – these tips are clear favourites, but is the probability that they win better than the odds offered?

Value when it comes to sports betting is a simple concept, but most people who are betting don’t have much control over it.

The gambling market is primarily based on these “naive” players who have a far too skewed view of different odds – you need to read and do your homework.

Only then, you can exploit this fact and recognise the value for real.

Where To Make Sports Bets

3. finding teams that others do not believe in

Betting is sometimes “better,” the worse it looks on the paper. Maybe this sounds a bit strange, but the less the public and attention a team gets – the more value.

Especially a team that has done well for a long time, but for some reason, had a slight dip in the last 4-5 games.

If everyone skips bets because the match does not seem exciting or the team in question has been bad – then the odds can be in our favour and once again, a value has appeared, and you will make money betting on them.

4. Make money sports betting

Some players may be able to achieve success in the short term through betting based on emotion and instinct but to succeed in the long run; you need to be more analytical and familiar with different names and, for example, if the odds reflect the probability, etc.

4.1 Can you do this?

Betting is a game of numbers – and you should have reasonably good control of the counting methods.

However, this can be tricky. If you are serious about your betting, you might want to try Betegy.

Betegy uses analysing models, just as Bookmakers. And the development and regression of a football team will be analyzed and the result is often reliable. Betegy aims to give sophisticated and well-analysed betting tips.

It means that Betegy can say where to spend the money for the greatest success. Betegy predicts the results of football matches with an 80% chance of success.

Betegy uses an algorithm developed by sports lovers for sports lovers. Their efforts to offer highly successful product bettors have proven to be more profitable than others.

5. Learn how bookmakers decide odds

It depends on the popularity of the match/event. Still, in general, the bookie’s odds will be a reflection of how the public is expected to play – rather than the actual probabilities. My personal favourite is BetBallers.

Of course, it’s not that simple, but in general, bookmakers will set their odds to attract bets on either side of the odds to balance their credibility (and increase their commission).

It gives smart players little room to find value – where the public’s opinion is simply wrong.

It also means that you can find odds at massive events where many play for the interest.

It could be, for example, the racing tips. As the public on average has an inferior track of the horses, the odds are favourable for us as we are gamblers with more control of the situation.

Choose a good bookmaker, read our full list over the best betting sites.

6. You can’t change the past

Don’t get angry because of a lost bet. If you have faith in what you do, then you just proceed with your plan, just like anyone who fancy poker – you can’t win every hand.

It is also important not to get bogged down in any false security after a few wins in a row. Be harmonious, passionate and smart.

BetsWhere to make sports bets online

We are all different, and if you know that you have trouble keeping your emotions in control, then you have to start with yoga or something else that can calm your mind.

Otherwise, you will not make money sports betting.

7. Watch out for combination games

Combination games, jackpots and other lures from the bookmakers and betting companies are usually not a good idea if you want to make money in the long run. But if you are placing your bets with “matched betting,” it might be.

You have to decide what is worth playing and not.

Where To Place Sports Bets In Illinois

The regular player usually adds an extra match to find slightly higher odds. Still, these guys don’t think that it is significantly much more challenging to manage to dot correctly and usually forget about the times an excellent combination game did not sit – which is a lot of times.

8. Long-term Think

To make money sports betting is often just a dream. It would be fantastic if you got rich overnight. However, the probability of that is almost equal to zero, of course.

Thinking long term and building an expert mind is how you should do it. You may feel a month is good enough, but you need to post a full calendar year at least to make assessments.

The bets you gamble can also increase gradually, and who knows you may even live on the betting, but you need a stable mind and careful planning if you are planning to make money sports betting.

9. Reasonable bets

If you want to make money sports betting, you must start with a betting bank that can take some hits.

Many people fall into the trap and bet too big. If you do your homework and instead place around 2,500 bets a year with a lower return, let’s say 4%, you would quickly calculate a net profit of 40’000. That’s 30,000 more than the previous example.

10. Don’t need to “make it interesting.”

We’ve heard it plenty of times: “Sometimes I just play because I think it’s fun!” It is undoubtedly useful and healthy, but if you want to be a successful tipper and make money sports betting, then it is something you shouldn’t do.

Here you can read more about our Best Horse Racing Tipsters. Ranked and listed.

If you want to test a free alternative we can really recommend you to try Tipstrr’s Free Daily Tips. They are currently ranked #1 over best horse racing tipsters. Furthermore, they smash their competitors, even though the service is completely free. Claim your free racing tips today!

If you are interested in learning how to create your own strategies on how to make money sports betting, we can offer such guides as well.

  • The most visited review this month is our Zcode System Review.

For most, sports betting is a fun way to make a specific event more exciting and fun to watch. But for a small percentage of people that know how to make money betting on sports, sports betting is a way of life. Some people can make their sole income is from sports betting, but it isn’t an easy gig: one week you can be riding high and be on top of the world, while other weeks you can be near rock bottom with a streak of bad luck.

Here’s How to Make Money Betting on Sports

Sports betting can be a rollercoaster of emotions, with even the most successful sports bettors in the world losing about 45 percent of the time. Winning just 11 out of 20 bets consistently can put you near the top ranks of the sports betting world. Below are a few tactics that are familiar to sports betting professionals that know how to make money betting on sports.

Bankroll Management

Where To Make Sports Bets

All sports bettors are different. Some like to rely on statistics, deep research, and algorithms, while others rely on gut feeling and minimal research. Regardless of their preferred methods and betting styles, every professional sports bettor will tell you the same thing: bankroll management is crucial in helping you survive the ups and downs of the betting lifestyle.

Much like professional poker players, managing your bankroll is the number one thing you have to do if you want to become a successful and profitable sports bettor in the long run. It’s important to avoid chasing losses, betting too big, and giving into emotion. Bad beats are going to happen, so having smart bankroll management is a key part of surviving those backbreaking moments.

If you’ve seen the movie Rounders, you may remember the line where Matt Damon’s character quotes Confessions of a Winning Poker Player by Jack King.

“Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems, but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career.”

The same goes for sports bettors. Any professional bettor who has been betting for years can tell you stories of bad beats that resulted in huge losses.

Don’t let those bad beats cripple your bankroll, and don’t chase losses by betting bigger to try and recuperate that lost money. The most important part of becoming a profitable long-term bettor who knows how to Make Money Betting on Sports is smart bankroll management.

Do Your Homework

You don’t have to spend hours per day researching a single game or event if you want to understand the sports you want to bet on. However, you should do enough research to know that you aren’t throwing your money away on bad bets.

Betting blind on random events or games is a big no-no. While betting a couple of bucks on a random game with friends is fun, doing it consistently is generally a bad idea if you’re trying to make money.

Where to make sports bets

Take a few minutes before placing a bet to see why the line is where it is, check injuries, and read other news. Depending on the sport you should also check the weather. Weather can play a huge factor in baseball and football.

Don’t just bet on the Lakers because you think they are the better team and should win outright; instead, see why the moneyline may only be -130 against a far inferior team. Even just a few minutes studying and doing even a little research before placing your bet can save you from bad beats and tough losses.

Bet on Sports You Know

Being a successful sports bettor doesn’t mean you have to bet on every sport or even multiple sports. The best sports bettors stick to the sports they know best.

Where To Make Sports Bets Online

If you want to bet on another sport, watch a match, take notes, and study the nuances of a game. Learning the small things about a particular sport can be the difference between being profitable and being a loser.

Stick with those sports you know best, and only venture out after you understand the dynamics of a particular sport.

Log Your Bets

Keeping track of your bets is a key part of growing as a sports bettor. You might think you’re an excellent NBA bettor, but after analyzing your wins and losses, you may realize that you have a better winning percentage in the NHL. Keeping track can also help you adjust betting amounts so that you can place bigger bets on sports you’re more skilled in.

In addition to logging your wins and losses, you should log as much information about your bets as possible. Recording the moneyline odds, spread, and total will help you identify patterns and make better decisions moving forward.

If you use a betting algorithm, tracking your bets can also help you find trends that will help you see how your algorithm performs in certain scenarios. Perhaps low totals in NFL games aren’t winning at high percentages, while double-digit spreads in the NBA are winning at a high rate.

Never Assume You’ll Win

Touts (those who sell their picks) love to use the word “lock” when referring to a bet. Any professional sports bettor will be the first to tell you there is no such thing as a “lock” in sports betting.

Never assume that a bet is guaranteed to be a winner. Touts like to target uninformed and beginner bettors by promising bets that can’t lose. Sometimes those locks do in fact turn into wins, but more often than not, they don’t.

These are just a few general tips if you want to learn how to make money betting on sports. In the future, we’ll provide more in-depth tips and strategies for specific sports and events.

Ready to start betting on sports? Download ZenSports for Android or iOS today.